SANReN in the Media
2020-09-06 mybroadband, The fastest network connection in South Africa that you can’t get
2020-03-30 AmLight Exp, AmLight Express and Protect demonstrates the utility of the collaborative initiative to connect South Africa via AmLight-SACS
2020-03-01 FIU, AmLight Express and Protect interconnects three continents by activating 100G end-to-end links between the U.S., Brazil and South Africa
2019-05-29 IT WEB, NEC XON deploys ADVA fibre solution at SANReN
2019-05-29 ADVA, SANReN selects ADVA FSP 3000 with ALM fibre monitoring solution
2019-05-29 GlobeNewsWire, SANReN selects ADVA FSP 3000 with ALM fibre monitoring solution
2018-12-05 SANReN Cyber Security Challenge 2018
2017-12-15 SANReN Cyber Security Challenge 2017
2017-02-06 IT Web News, Launch of the SANReN Open Exchange Point (OXP)
2017-02-06 IT Web News, Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) up and running
2015-11 NUANCE, Vol. 8, Issue 7: November 2015, Introducing Mconf web conferencing to African NRENs
2015-08-06 CSIR, Exploring ways to combat IT incidents for the research and education community of South Africa
2015-08-05 CSIR, SA NREN Mconf web-conferencing service launched
2015-06-19 Mail & Guardian, Academics make jump to lightspeed internet
2015-04-20 ITWeb News, SANReN connects an additional 29 sites, (interview with SANReN’s Competence Area Manager)
2015-04-14 mybroadband, South African University Internet speed shootout
2013-11-08 ITWeb TENET participates in successful TV White Spaces trial
2013-05-13 ITWeb Industry Video, SANReN progress
2014-12-14 mybroadband, 10 Gbps SANReN network grows
2012-02-09 Media Club South Africa, More broadband for South Africa
2012-01-30 ITWeb, 10 Gbps Broadband for Universities
2011-11-18 ITWeb, SANReN halfway completed
2011-11-16 CSIR, Phase one of SANReN complete
2011-11-02 mybroadband, SANReN fibre network celebrated in Durban
2011-10-25 ITWeb, National research network takes next step
2011-05-25 ITWeb, Broadband for universities by year-end
2011-03-31 ITWeb, Academia gets remote Internet access
2011-03-04 ITWeb, Higher education gets better connection
2011-02-01 ITWeb, SKA, MeerKAT link up
2010-10-27 ITWeb, CSIR courts telco partnership
2009-12-01 South African Government, South African National Research Network (SANReN’s) national backbone network completed ahead of schedule