SANReN Tenders
SANReN tenders below R500 000.00:
- Are published on the CSIR website
- Current Requests for: Information (RFIs), Proposals (RFPs) and Quotations (RFQs), Awarded tenders as well as Cancellation of tenders are listed on the Tenders page from time to time
SANReN tenders above R500 000.00:
- Are published on the National Treasury website in line with Treasury Instruction No 1 of 2015/2016 dated: 08 April 2015
- View tenders at:
- For easy access to SANReN tenders – select “Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)” under ‘Department’ and click on the ‘Search’ button
Suppliers should also refer to the CSIR website for information regarding Supplier Registration, Awarded Tenders and the CSIR Terms and Conditions.The following documentation can be found on the Tenders page (bottom of page):
- CSIR Purchasing Terms and Conditions
- CSIR Awarded Tenders
- CSIR Supplier Registration
- All CSIR suppliers are required to register on the National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database.
- Registrations can be completed at the National Treasury Central Supplier Database portal
- Once you have obtained your Registration number (MAAA) you can link this number to the CSIR on
TENET Tenders
All TENET tenders can be found on the TENET website
SABEN Tenders
All SABEN tenders can be found on the SABEN website