SANReN National Backbone Upgrade Tender – closed
The National Backbone infrastructure of the South African National Research Network (SANReN), a major research and education infrastructure is being upgraded from a managed bandwidth network to a dark fibre-optic network to allow SANReN to transmit multiple wavelengths of a bitrate of at least 100 Gbps.
CSIR Request for Proposal: 3044/23/09/2016 for the SANReN National Backbone Upgrade has been published on the National Treasury website.
Important dates:
Issue of tender documents: Thursday, 04 August 2016
Compulsory Briefing session: Friday, 19 August 2016 at 10h00 (CSIR Meraka Institute, Building 43, Auditorium)
Closing date for receiving questions: Friday, 09 September 2016 at 16h30
Closing/Submission date: Friday, 23 September 2016 at 16h30