SABEN RFP: Link from Teraco Durban Datacentre to Dube Tradeport Datacentre – Closed
Request for proposals are hereby invited for the supply of a connection between the Teraco Durban Datacentre and the Dube Tradeport Datacentre.
Request for proposals are hereby invited for the supply of a connection between the Teraco Durban Datacentre and the Dube Tradeport Datacentre.
Interested companies with relevant proven capabilities are invited to submit quotations for the supply of network equipment for the SABEN TVET Campus Connection Programme (TCCP).
Florida International University (FIU), Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa / South African National Research Network (TENET/SANReN), and Angola Cables have completed a project connecting North America, South America, and Africa for research and education purposes.
Interested companies with relevant proven capabilities are invited to submit in response to this Request for Quotation, for the delivery of Network cabling that will be used in connecting Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Campuses to the South African National Research Network as specified in this document
The “TVET Colleges Connection Project (TCCP)” is an ICT infrastructure initiative by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) funded through a National Skills Fund (NSF) grant to connect Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College campuses to the South African National Research Network (SANReN). The purpose of this project is to solve bandwidth poverty at South Africa’s TVET Colleges by connecting them to the SANReN, thereby enabling them to contribute to meeting the goals of the developmental state.
Interested companies with relevant proven capabilities are invited to submit in response to this Request for Quotation, for the delivery of Fibre optic transceivers that will be used in connecting Technical and Vocational Education and Training College Campuses to the South African National Research Network as specified in this document.
The RFQ for the Transceivers can be accessed on the SABEN website.
Closing date for submission is: 22 November 2019 at 17h00
The South African Broadband Education Networks (SABEN) is pleased to announce that the TVET Colleges Connection Programme (TCCP) has reached another milestone.
The Request for Quotation (RfQ) process (SABEN 0013/2019) for the Client Premises Equipment has been concluded and the following successful service provider has been awarded a purchase order:
We would like to thank all service providers who submitted responses to the RfQ.