TCCP goes live at False Bay College
First TVET benefits from high-speed Internet access provided by the TVET Campus Connection Project
First TVET benefits from high-speed Internet access provided by the TVET Campus Connection Project
Interested companies with relevant proven capabilities are invited to submit proposals in response to this Request for Proposal Round 2, for the provision of Access Network Circuits Connecting TVET campuses to SANReN as specified in this document.
Florida International University (FIU), Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa / South African National Research Network (TENET/SANReN), and Angola Cables have completed a project connecting North America, South America, and Africa for research and education purposes.
The South African Broadband Education Networks (SABEN) is pleased to announce that the TVET Colleges Connection Programme (TCCP) has reached a significant milestone.
The Request for Proposals (RfP) process for Access Network Circuits Connecting TVET College Campuses to the South African National Research Network (SANReN) has been concluded and the following successful service providers have been awarded purchase orders:
We would like to thank all service providers who submitted responses to the RfP.
The Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) has published a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Rural Campus Connectivity Project II, Phase 6 connection of sites to SANReN.
See RCCP II Phase 6 RFP for more details on the TENET website.
For any queries relating to the RFP, please contact Helga Van Wyk – RCCP II Project Manager on 076 457 1680 or
Note closing date: 26 April 2019
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has agreed to a funding proposal request to continue with the connection of university rural campuses to the SANReN.
The Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) has published a Request for Information (RFI) for the Rural Campus Connectivity Project II, Phase 6 connection of sites to SANReN.There is an urgent requirement to provision an end-to-end 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) managed circuit for two campuses to SANReN, namely the Walter Sisulu University (WSU)
See RCCP II Phase 6 RFI for more details on the TENET website.
For any queries relating to the RFP, please contact Helga Van Wyk – RCCP II Project Manager on 076 457 1680 or
Note closing date: 6 March 2019