SA NREN parallel event at CHPC National Conference 2017
The South African NREN hosted a parallel event at the CHPC National Conference 2017 on the 5 December 2017.
The following presentations were made:
Session 1:
- Expanding the borders of the Nelson Mandela University – Strategic partnerships to enable high speed university connectivity in Nelson Mandela Bay, Mr Creswell du Preez, Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
- TVET Connectivity Project, Mr Arno Hart, South African Broadband Education Networks (SABEN)
- An Assessment of the Maturity of the South African National Research Network, Mr Leon Staphorst, South African National Research Network (SANReN)
Session 2:
- Testing and Training Cybersecurity using a Virtual Platform, Prof. Joey Jansen van Vuuren, Glenn Masango and Alex Ramantswana, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Your DNS, My DNS – National risk and DNS infrastructure, Prof. Barry Irwin, Rhodes University
- Innovation in the Network and Security Space, Mr Andrew Wilson, Lucidview