SANReN Cyber Security Challenge 2017: Winners
SANReN hosted its inaugural Cyber Security Challenge at the CHPC National conference 2017.
The competition was split into two rounds:
- During round one, students competed for positions to compete in the final round. Over one hundred students from seven universities competed in the first round that was hosted during October 2017.
- During the final round, only 32 students comprising eight teams were placed to compete over a span of fours days from the 3rd to 6th December 2017. Much fun was had by the students during the competition.
The final scoreboard at the end of the competition was as follows:
Overall placement Prizes:
- First Place: Team BitPhase, University of Stellenbosch
- Second place: Team Awesome Source, University of Pretoria
- Third Place: Team H5-N1, University of Pretoria
Specific Challenges:
- Social Engineering Challenge: Team H5-N1, University of Pretoria
- Hash Challenge: Team H5-N1, University of Pretoria
- Hack the Server Challenge: Team Insecure, University of the Western Cape