SA NREN parallel event at CHPC National Conference 2019
The South African National Research Network (SANReN) hosted a parallel event at the CHPC National Conference 2019 on the 3rd December 2019 at the Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre in Kempton Park.
Session chair: Leon Staphorst
- eInfrastructures as enablers for global science and education, Dr Josva Kleist, NORDUnet
SA NREN Session:
Session chair: Dr Renier van heerden
The topics considered by presenters during the SANReN track included an assessment of the network and computer requirements of a typical Namibian university, the creation of a new South African Cyber Security degree and the use of the large data transfer services provided by SANReN. The talks also considered the direct and indirect benefits that connected institutions are gleaning from using SANReN, as well as their future services requirements from SANReN.
The following presentations were made:
- Cloud Computing a Solution to Internet Services Downtime at Namibian Institutions of Higher Learning, Shadreck Chitauro, Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)
- BRICS Network University (BRICS NU), Thematic Area: Cybersecurity and Data Science Research Area, Prof Joey Jansen van Vuuren, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
- SANReN Data Transfer Pilot, Kasandra Pillay, SANReN
Speaker Bio:
Dr Josva Kleist joined NORDUnet -the Nordic regional research network -in 2006 as NDGF Software Coordinator where he was one of the main drivers behind the construction of the Nordic distributed WLCG Tier-1 for LHC. In 2010 he went on to run all NORDUnet software development activities. Today, Josva is coordinating the design, implementation and operation of NORDUnet software system activities, internal as well as external. He is also responsbile for NORDUnet IT security activities and participates in the groupsat NORDUnet working with the support of big science projects. He is also involved in development and coordination of the big European projects on Open Science (European Open Science Cloud) and HPC (EuroHPC) as advisor to the Danish national representatives and is a member of the European eInfrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) and the CERN WLCG Computer Resources Scrutiny Group. Josva came to NORDUnet from Aalborg University where he held a position as associate professor in computer science. His research career has been focused on issues related to networks, HPC and distributed systems.
Josva holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Computer Science.